邓伦write as

  • Buy-Write

    A trading strategy that consists of writing call options on an underlying position to generate income from option premiums. Because the options position is cov···

    2022-01-05 14:22:10
  • Ratio Call Write

    An option strategy in which an investor owns shares in the underlying stock and writes more at-the-money call options than the amount of underlying shares owne···

    2022-01-05 14:16:38
  • Write-Off

    A reduction in the value of an asset or earnings by the amount of an expense or loss. Companies are able to write off certain expenses that are required to run···

    2022-01-05 14:46:56
  • Write

    英文名称:Write 中文名称:售出期权指在期权交易中以收取一定的费用向购买者卖出期权。···

    2022-01-05 13:42:14
  • Write-Up

    An increase made to the book value of an asset because it is undervalued compared to market values.Taobiz explains Write-UpA write-up will increase a company's···

    2022-01-05 16:07:18
  • Variable Ratio Write

    An option strategy in which an investor holds a long position in the underlying asset and writes multiple call options at varying strike prices. Variable ratio···

    2022-01-05 14:12:17
  • Write Out

    A dual trade transaction enacted by a specialist in an individual stock issue. The first trade in a write out will be between the specialist and a floor trader···

    2022-01-05 16:07:48
  • Write-Down

    Reducing the book value of an asset because it is overvalued compared to the market value. Taobiz explains Write-DownThis is usually reflected in the company's···

    2022-01-05 16:07:49
  • 邓伦因偷税漏税被罚1.06亿:抖音微博账号被封 多个品牌方终止合作

      原标题:邓伦因偷税漏税被罚1.06亿,抖音微博账号被封,多个品牌方终止合作  上海市税务局第四稽查局依据相关法律法规规定,对邓伦追缴税款、加收滞纳金并处罚款,共计1.06亿元···

    2022-03-16 00:03:59
  • 邓伦道歉!微博、抖音火速被封!多个品牌终止合作 其商业“版图”曝光

      继郑爽张恒之后,又一明星偷逃税被查。   15日,上海市税务局第四稽查局依法对邓伦偷逃税案件进行处理,对邓伦···

    2022-03-16 00:08:33
  • 邓伦工作室、邓伦个人微博账号均已被封


    2022-03-15 18:48:40
  • 邓伦发布致歉信 其工作室微博和抖音账号被封


    2022-03-15 17:43:47
  • 邓伦偷逃税 爱奇艺受伤

      “精细化选择”   邓伦偷逃税的后果正在呈现。  3月15日,上海市税务局官网通报邓伦偷逃税案件。演员邓伦···

    2022-03-16 18:43:45
  • 邓伦承认偷逃税并道歉 云米、久久丫宣布解约 菜鸟裹裹紧急澄清


    2022-03-15 20:03:50
  • 邓伦名下公司正在清算中


    2022-03-15 17:49:11